The Missional Movement

Shaping Culture Toward kingdom

Know your identity in Jesus Christ | Become his disciple | renew Your mind in grace & truth

Courses, community, Discipleship & events

What is the missional movement?

Those with a missional perspective no longer see the church service as the primary connecting point for those outside the church. While we do want people to attend church services and formal gatherings, the missional church is more concerned about sending the people in the church out among the people of the world. This includes at work, the gym, coffee shops, and various activities and events. To be missional, requires an integration of your faith with all aspects of your life.

Missional Christians see their primary function as one of actively moving into a community to embody and enflesh the word, deed, and life of Jesus. Every Christian, no matter their denomination, has been given the task to make disciples of all nations. This missional approach is an acceptance to God’s invitation and purpose for each one of us.

The Missional Movement® aims to equip, encourage, and support each individual as we work together toward this common goal. Disciples making disciples begins with a willful personal pursuit of Jesus Christ.

Our approach

Mission: “Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” - Matthew 28:19.

Vision: Shaping culture toward God’s Kingdom.

Strategy: With the implementation of The Missional University, we help people renew the mind in grace and truth. We gather to learn and grow as individuals within community, better equipping ourselves to scatter across our cities, states, and the globe in obedience to God’s Great Commission. These programs help people learn how to think, not what to think.

1st and Greatest Commandment

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” - Matthew 22:37

And the 2nd is like it:

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Matthew 22:39

Relationship with Jesus

Living with Purpose

Continued Education

Loving your neighbor

Strengthening your community

Knowing your identity in Christ

Relationship with Jesus • Living with Purpose • Continued Education • Loving your neighbor • Strengthening your community • Knowing your identity in Christ •

do you have Room For Improvement?

how to grow

  • Missional Network Logo: on Mighty Networks

    Missional Network

    The Missional Network is our digital resource hub for community & events.

  • The Missional University Logo

    The Missional University

    The Missional University is the education center of The Missional Movement®.

  • Missional Cohorts Logo

    Missional Cohorts

    Learning Cohorts are the heart of our mission. Gather online and in-person!

  • Beautiful Gate Logo

    Beautiful Gate Church

    Beautiful Gate, Los Angeles - A Missional Church

What’s the point?

This is long, but worth the read…

We are all born with an entrusted purpose and responsibility. As we mature, culture (the world) begins to affect how we interact with others and how we spend our time. As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to shape culture and to not be shaped by culture. 

As we mature spiritually, we are expected to align who we are with who God created us to be, or what we, at The Missional Movement®, call being integrated in Christ. As this occurs, we become a witness to Christ's goodness by displaying a Christ-likeness in our everyday lives. This outward display of an inward transformation allows us to shape culture to the revelation of the Kingdom of God here on earth; apropos to the Lord’s Prayer — “Thy Kingdom come … here on earth!” 

This process of integration is the journey from bondage to freedom in Christ! Jesus’ first kerygmatic words (His proclamation to the church) speaks to this — “I was sent to set the captives free,” Luke 4. This process of maturation occurs through self-awareness in reflection of Christ, where we begin to understand our own identity and the role we will play in the world. Unfortunately, many people allow others to dictate who they are and what they do, while many others rebel against this entirely and attempt to control this narrative themself with adamant declarations of who they are and how others should see them. 

As theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a man, He bids him to come and die!” We see this identity formation, or process of sanctification, over and over again throughout the Bible. Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai. Jesus was tested and

empowered by 40 days in the wilderness. And like many other biblical stories, each one of us should embrace our own journey of sanctification. Have we been freed from bondage? Have we chosen to exit our Egypt? Have we died to self and culture to become more Christ-like?

Once this process is given its due time, the individual is now ready to enter their promised land! And Christ embodied this for us by way of His own life, death & resurrection.

The Missional Movement® is called to this mission: To walk with each individual as we journey through this incredible adventure of becoming an integrated-self in Christ so we can experience God’s Kingdom, here on earth. We lean into the basics of discipleship by elevating our cognitive & spiritual maturity — aligning who we are with who God created us to be.

This is a life-changing adventure for the individual which has a tremendously positive impact on the world at large.